Pink Lake 3 Days Tour

Desde AUD AU$899,00
  • Duração: 3 Dias (Aproximadamente)
  • Localização: Kenwick, WA
  • Código de produto: 3DPK

行程介紹 Itinerary :

第一天: 珀斯Perth–(220公里)朱里恩湾Jurien Bay – (175公里) 格林诺历史遗迹中心&怪树 Central Greenough Visitor Centre  – (50公里)杰拉尔顿 Geraldton

早上8点出发,乘车前往朱里恩湾欣赏印度洋碧绿的海湾,稍作休息後前往格林诺历史遗迹发现中心&怪树并享用午餐,在这你可看到1863年最早的西澳北部居民定居点之一,為西澳洲政府保护的歷史遗迹,此区中并有数只草尼马自由奔跑着。午餐后继续往北前进。沿途欣赏美丽的野花和寻找经常出没乡村道路的野生鸸鹋和袋鼠。晚餐在杰拉尔顿 Geraldton享用。

可自费选择小飞机观光粉红湖30分钟 每位$260 (请提前预订,安排第三天早上乘坐)。

餐食: 早-自理 午-西式午餐 晚- 西式晚餐

第二天: 杰拉尔顿 Geraldton

- 粉紅湖Hutt Lagoon卡尔巴里Kalbarri–(30公里)世界自然之窗Natures Window、峽谷、紅崖區海岸悬崖Coastal Cliff – (160公里)杰拉尔顿 Geraldton


餐食: 早-酒店内享用 午-西式簡餐 晚- 中式晚餐

第三天: 杰拉尔顿 Geraldton –(250公里) 龙虾屋 Lobster Shack – (5公里)尖峰石阵Pinnacles  –(210公里) 兰斯林Lancelin  -  珀斯Perth

早上8点前出发,杰拉尔顿小镇观光,欣赏全澳沈船纪念第一名纪念台-皇家军舰悉尼II号纪念台。接着往著名的龙虾小镇休息,随后到达瑟文特斯(Cervantes)寻找世界上少有的活海洋迭层石,午餐在龙虾屋,享用半只龙虾套餐。饭后前往西澳著名的旅游景点尖峰石阵,下车欣赏一颗颗造型回异的石灰岩及砂岩柱; 沙漠上形状各异的奇石堪称奇景,闪耀的金黄色石英沙,散布在沙漠中就像黄金,孤独星球上这美丽的景色,让你流连忘返。前往兰斯林白沙丘(Lancelin Sand Dunes),开始滑沙的刺激之旅,也是西澳最大的细白沙丘地。晚上回到珀斯市中心,送至酒店休息。 

餐食: 早-酒店内享用 午-成人: 半只龙虾套餐 / 小孩:鱼薯餐  晚- 自理

Day 1: Perth-Jurien Bay-Central Greenough Visitor Centre-Lean tree-Hutt Lagoon-Geraldton

The tour departs Perth at 08:00, heading to Jurien Bay. Then will visit and have lunch at Central Greenough Café and Visitor Centre, here you have chance to see a few alpacas. You will have dinner in Geraldton.

Day2: Geraldton-Kalbarri National Park-Natures Window-Costal Cliffs-Geraldton

After having breakfast at hotel, today’s journey starts at 08:00, the first stop is Pink Lake. Then heading to Kalbarri National Park, you can see the famous Nature’s Window and Hawks
Head. After Kalbarri National Park is Coastal Cliffs, you will have dinner in Geraldton and have a nice rest.

Day3: Geraldton-Lobster Shack-Pinnacles-Lancelin-Perth

After breakfast, heading to the HMAS Sydney Memorial Geraldton. Then it’s time to view the unique marine stromatolites on Cervantes. You will arrive Lobster Shack around 12:00 to learn about the process of Lobster catching and sorting, also you can expect a tasty Lobster Meal here. Then around 14:00, arrive at Nambung National Park, enjoy yourself at the Pinnacles. Heading to Lancelin Sand Dunes. Lancelin has the biggest white sand dunes in Western Australia, it is here you can experience sand boarding. You will then start your return journey and back to Perth CBD around 18:00.

 酒店 Hotels:

Nesuto Geraldton四星/Best Western三星含早(或同級) 兩人一間

Nesuto Geraldton 4 Stars/Best Western 3 Stars (or similar) Twin Share

餐食 Meals:

Ø  第一天:早餐自理、西式午餐、西式晚餐 Day 1: Western Lunch, Western Dinner

Ø 第二天:飯店早餐、西式午餐、中式晚餐 Day 2: Hotel Breakfast, Western Lunch, Chinese Dinner

Ø  第三天:飯店早餐、半隻龍蝦午餐、晚餐自理 Day 3: Hotel Breakfast, Half Lobster Lunch